Blog - creative workspaces

Workspaces That Spark Creativity

Creative workspaces are essential to the livelihood of any brand. It doesn’t really matter what industry you’re in. Creativity and innovation are necessary to keep up, get ahead and grow your business. This is exemplified by coworking trenders like WeWork, who design innovative think-tank driven office spaces.

More and more companies are tapping the expertise of architects and designers. Creating workspaces that foster productivity, innovation, and creativity have become key to employee acquisition and retention. A corporate financial company is not going to view creativity in the same manner as an advertising agency. So finding the storyline to begin the dialog of innovation starts within the brand itself. It involves delving and answering a few questions:

  • What type of business are you in?
  • What are your goals for growth and retention?
  • How does your team interact with each other?
  • Where do you need improvement?

Implementing Creative Workspaces

Here are some trending ideas to implement innovative designs into your workspace:

Suspended Conference Room Tables: Tech companies like Google, Autodesk, and others in Silicon Valley pioneered the unstructured meeting. If long hours are spent staring at a computer, create innovative ways to disrupt the boardroom setting. Suspended conference tables, colorful huddle spaces, breakout areas with swings and games have become popular in tech offices like Microsoft. They encourage open interaction and letting off steam. What this does is create a fluid dialog between all departments to inspire cross-communication that could generate a big idea.

Treadmill Desks encourage activity and movement. They have been successfully integrated into corporate offices, tech hubs and breakroom areas across many industries. They can even be grouped together to allow meetings to transpire on the run. Along with sit-stand desking, fitness centers are a trend that is rising among coworking spaces. Stepping outside of the traditional office setting sparks ideas and encourages brainstorming on the fly.

Pet Compliant Workspaces have emerged from casual bring your dog to work day, into full-fledged businesses focused on pet wellbeing. Incorporating pets into the office helps promote a collaborative and less-stressful working environment. Pets bring people together and create an open dialog like nothing else. Test this out with a weekly pet inclusive day and see how your office responds. If it works out, be prepared to outfit the offices with pens that allow employees to keep their dogs near their desks, and an outdoor grassy area for pet relief.

Multimedia Workspaces often incorporate diverse creative spaces that might include screening rooms, research libraries, gallery areas, and green spaces. Kickstarter in NY had multitasking in mind when they designed their new office space in Brooklyn. Kickstarter focuses on helping artists, musicians, and filmmakers connect with financial backers. One highlight of Kickstarter’s space is its inspiring use of green spaces. Light floods into the office from a central courtyard, which can be viewed on every floor through large glass windows. The flowering enclosure offers employees and visitors views of a fern grove and butterflies. This nurturing environment also features a green rooftop with trees and a communal garden.

Artful Landscapes give your company mission a voice along hallways, within common areas, and throughout meeting spaces. Multimedia company Viacom took it to the walls with commissioned hand-drawn art that creates vibrant transition spaces enlivened with creatures, landscapes, and phrases drawn in an artist’s signature stream-of-consciousness style. Art provides a visual break and thought-provoking anecdotes to spark dialog, discussion and create a sense of community within the workspace.

Personalized Collaborative Spaces diversify the open office environment into zones. Some areas are more communicative and others more private to create a workspace that is vibrant yet balanced. This maximizes productivity and encourages creativity and interaction because it’s not forced. Varying materials like high-performance acoustics, wooden screens, and plants seclude these spaces and make them inviting. They can serve as both huddle spaces and focused work zones. Privacy pods and soundproof boxes are also joining the ranks of open office design with stylish options.

Tech companies like Google have become synonymous with unstructured, out of the box office design. And while it balances the intensity of the deadline-driven tech world, it’s not for everyone. However, that mode of thinking has found its way into the corporate world with unique collaborative spaces, breakout areas, and integrated technologies that creatively exemplify the need for downtime.

Working with an architect, a space planner and a designer will help you navigate the best solutions available to upgrade your workspace. Creating opportunities for your team to innovate starts with dialog. A workspace that provides well-planned connection points will stimulate the productive conversations that generate big ideas and vibrant success stories.

Photo from Kickstarter, New York, NY

teresa-blogMEET TERESA ALVAREZ:  Teresa is an office furniture specialist who can help your workspace become more intuitive with its design and furnishing options. With 12 years experience in the office interiors and office supply business, she can help you find creative solutions for an innovative office design. Contact her via email at or give her a call at 888-910-3769 x139.