virtual communication blog

WATERCOOLER CHAT: 5 Ways To Virtually Communicate

An icon for office banter for decades, the Water Cooler has become synonymous as a think tank for brainstorming and informal communication in the workplace. Virtual communication has taken over these days, but with so many remote workers there is a big disconnect with impromptu idea sharing. The open office concept can do little for the idea-sharing island created between telecommuters and those who work full time from home. Business leaders are being challenged to keep that water cooler line of communication open with people who may be hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. Companies who embrace communication on multiple levels in their workplaces facilitate connectedness among their team, no matter where they might be.

Team-Building With Virtual Communication

Today’s leaders encourage more human interaction. Both in their office design and their company philosophy.  Sometimes it is inevitable for part of your team to be off-site, depending on their role in the company. Sales leaders are often out in the filed.  Creating moments of connectivity for them is important for team building and inclusiveness.

One study found that a few moments of conversation between co-workers increases performance by 20% and another study uncovered that 72% of employees who have a best friend at work are more satisfied with their job.

Savvy communicators are doing these five things:

  • Connecting on a personal level
  • Sharing the small stuff
  • Striving for inclusiveness
  • Providing team building opportunities
  • Using the best technology