
Sustainable Workspace Design

Sustainable Workspace Design

Sustainable workspace design embodies function, aesthetics & performance. Building green is not new to Austin and the surrounding areas. The impact has been a vital part of the development of sustainable building practices for both commercial and residential structures locally and nationally. Aiming to stay at the forefront of Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. Today, the built environment accounts for 39% of the country’s energy consumption, which includes the impact of making buildings (embodied carbon) and using buildings (operating carbon).

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small business redesign

A Small Business Redesign Sparks Creative Thinking

A small business redesign sparks creative thinking and innovation. Small businesses are the best incubators for economic growth, change, and creative thinking. Why? Because the small business ethos is typically the most open-minded and spatially challenged. Small, flexible workspaces that promote big ideas inspire many small businesses to excel in hiring, productivity, and rapid growth. They are the most visible manifestation of a brand’s core mission and integration into local and regional economies.

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workplace strategy

WATERCOOLER CHAT: Expansion Workplace Strategy

A visionary workplace design strategy is very important when you are managing rapid growth while simultaneously exceeding industry demands. TELUS is a leading telecommunications provider in Canada. Like many organizations in its industry, TELUS has grown dramatically in recent years, both organically and through strategic acquisitions.

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